
OCTOBER 2022 -

As leaves let go and branches remain, a different view emerges. In its nakedness, Autumn brings an opportunity to see more clearly where we are. Here we can stand in an essential way, with our life as it is now.

The ideas and plans and hopes we might have for this day, or for tomorrow, can rest a while. In this time, nothing new needs to grow. Instead we can let that which is finished to fall away. And stand, like Trees, not reaching for anything, but letting leaves go and danci…

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Walking through this time of year, there is much coming to fruition: berries, nuts, fruits, pumpkins, beans and corn. This is the end of a cycle that has been working deeply all year – and also a beginning, new seeds forming already now for the future.

In our lives too, certain aspects are ripening. Maybe a process or project we have been sowing, hoeing, watering and weeding, is now growing into maturity. It can be an important moment to mark.

How do we recognize it? How do w…

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JULY 2022

Things happen when we sit in Circle
It is a central part of our work with the Spirits
Bringing the Circle together and feeling the connection
As the Power flows through

The Circle is a birthplace, a beginning and an ending
Holding space for things to happen
There is a place for each of us here,
An invitation to step in and take part

Even in times when we may not feel the connection
it is still here, holding us and reminding us
that so much more can happen when we come together

Surrounded …

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In literature and philosophy, rivers have long been used as a poetic analogy for Life, and with good reason. Rivers are born as a spring, where the water bubbles up from the depths of the Earth, just as we are born from our mothers. As they flow down the mountainside, they gain in power – just as we become more and more physically powerful as we grow. The river becomes stronger and carries a heavier load as it moves along, but in times of drought it can shrivel to a trickle, and …

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MAY 2022

Sometimes it can be easy to lose oneself. Maybe it is because we are running too fast, with too much to do. Maybe we expect a lot of ourselves or opt for an easy way out. Perhaps we are facing great change. At such times, the ground can feel loose or shaky, and we become uncertain. We may make choices that do not feel quite right and regret creeps in with a growing sense of unease.

What happens to our souls when we are not true to who we are? Avoiding the truth can, over time, make ou…

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APRIL 2022

Life makes itself known, in its vibrant and insistent regeneration. Springtime in Scandinavia is a rich time - tight tiny buds on trees unfurling, early flowers reaching for the Sun and green growth overtaking dry remnants of Winter.

Whatever tragedies play out on the human stage, Nature insists on Life. Here it is again, right in front of us. We can open to the Power of new Life, of Regeneration, of Budding and Blossoming. Even in sadness, grief and anger, Beauty is here. Even in …

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MARCH 2022

Sometimes it feels as if change happens so fast, we cannot keep up. One morning we wake and everyday reality is shifting into something almost unrecognizable. Many of us might have felt this as the experience of war seeps through Europe, reaching far and wide. It is all connected and wherever we are, it affects us.

Now more than ever, it is important to keep hold of our practice and ask the Spirits to help keep us steady. To remember what is at our core and keep connecting to Power.…

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1 Åsbacka DP Spring


“You are not alone”. Many times have we said these words on courses and in circles. The Spirits are with us all the time, if we remember to reach out and open. But how do we remember? It is up to us to connect, but it is not always easy when time is tight or we feel weak, tired or stressed. Often it is hardest to ask for help when we most need it.

A good place to begin is where you are right now – right where you live. You can choose to relate to your home, your local area or wor…

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Here we are, still in a relatively new year, with much that is unformed and unknown ahead of us. Even though we do not always know where we are going, when we stand firmly planted on the Earth, connected to the Spirits, we know we have the support to be with what comes.

Now we want to warmly welcome you to our newly renovated website. It still lives at but has been updated, expanded and reorganized. The last time we made a major rebuild was 10 years ago and we are so h…

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This year, the Full Moon and Winter Solstice come very close to each other. In the darkest night, there is also light. How do we allow Dark and Light to dance together in us, and in our lives? So often Light is used to mean “good” and dark to mean “bad” but in Nature this is not true at all. Light is simply light, and dark is dark. They both have great and important qualities, and both are needed to keep the balance of Life. There are many nocturnal animals that depend on d…

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