Sometimes we need extra support to help us walk through Life. To help us keep going, help us find our way, to help us to heal and grow.
Where do we find this support, and how do we recognize and receive it when it comes?
A way to begin is to open to the Healing that is right here, right now, even though we may not be aware of it. Learning to come into contact with it can be both surprising and life changing.
Healing Spaces are waiting to hold us and gently guide us. Maybe they are inside us, maybe they are around us, maybe they are right under our feet.
There are many different kinds of Healing Spaces - ones that help us to rest, ones that energize us, ones that help us to connect and remember. The more we work with them, the more we learn. Sometimes our expectations of what Healing is or should be can get in the way, and then it is good to stand still and ask the Space itself - what help can you offer me at this time? And how can I thank you?
Sometimes Healing is not about going anywhere. It is about being right here and allowing the Healing Spaces to fill us and find us.
If you would like to learn more about working with Healing Spaces, there are many ways to do it. The most direct, and often most powerful, is to contact the Spirit of the place itself and ask for more guidance from it. Then it can teach you from its specific perspective without our own wishes and demands getting in the way. This also helps us to discover many types of Healing, how to work with them and how they can help us in different ways at different times. Please remember to always ask how you can give thanks for what it offers you.
To explore this further, try these missions for a journey to your Spirit Teacher or a medicine walk in Nature:
How can I cultivate Healing Spaces in my life?
What change can I make to my home so it becomes more of a healing place?
Ask for help to find a Healing Place that wants to support me now
Winter Blessings
Jonathan & Zara
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