As well as courses, training and mentoring, Jonathan and Zara also offer occasional talks, conference presentations, or festival workshops. Sometimes there are free events, online or onsite, such as Solstice Circles or ceremonies for special occasions. Through the years the three of us have created many tailor-made rituals for individuals, groups and institutions, including name giving celebrations, memorial services or blessing work. You can find more event announcements in our monthly newsletter
13 FEB 2024: FREE TALK
In the recording of this free talk, Zara shares her experiences of working with Natural Leadership and what can happen when we open to inspiration from Nature and engage with it in an animistic way. It offers different ways of coming into partnership with Life, and how we can let Nature lead.
It also serves as an introduction to a longer Mentorship Programme in Natural Leadership with Zara, beginning in the Spring. This is an opportunity to receive in-depth inspiration, guidance and support as you develop your natural abilities to inform, shape and inspire leadership.
Sign up below to receive more information when the programme is announced
This talk explores:
- Thoughts and experiences on bringing animistic awareness to leadership
- How leadership can be an attitude rather than a position or role
- How to learn from Nature so we can be inspired and supported
- Ways to keep connected to Soul and Circle in leadership situations
- How to begin to discover your own natural sense of leadership
Jonathan and Zara also offer occasional free online talks since 2020. You can find them on the YouTube channel Shaman Circle Center or browse our Library where they are listed by theme.
Annette has a YouTube channel Annette Høst where she offers teaching videos on Seidr and Nordic magic traditions
As well as holding courses, we have given many public presentations and workshops at conferences, colleges, high schools and special organizations. There have been interviews for magazines and books, and many radio and TV programmes, as well as internet podcasts. Some of these you can find on our Library. We are still open to receiving invitations for new events, if time allows.
A selection of presentations:
- Jonathan, presentation, “Expanded States of Consciousness” online summit, April 2023
- Midwinter Circle + Survival fundraiser, Dec 2021
- Lost Species Remembrance ceremony, Nov 2021
- Jonathan & Zara, workshop at “Earth Rights” international conference, Sweden, 2019
- Jonathan & Zara, in residence for 7 weeks at Schumacher College, Spring 2016, holding courses, ceremonies and community events
- Jonathan, presentation at Sounds True “Year of Ceremony” online programme, 2016-2017
- Jonathan & Zara, presentations and workshops at Aurora Nature & Spirit conference in Italy, 2015 and 2014
- Jonathan, presentation at Shamanism Online Summit hosted by the Shift Network, 2015
- Jonathan & Zara, workshops, healing ceremonies and plenary sessions at UK SSP Shamanic Conference, Devon, UK, 2012 & 2010
- Annette, series of lectures at the National Museum in Copenhagen: Shamanism and magic tradition in Denmark, prehistory to renaissance, 2009
- Annette, guest speaker at North Atlantic Studies Conference “Exploring Seidhr”, Aarhus University, Denmark, 2001
- Annette, Danish TV program ”Den 2. Dimension”, on shamanism and animism, 2013
- Annette, Seidr presentation and workshops at Sjaman Gathering festival, Norway, 2012
Many people ask us to help with special threshold moments in their lives. Often they are name-giving ceremonies, weddings or funerals. Sometimes they are private rites-of-passage. These ceremonies are always created in consultation with you and the Spirits, to make sure they serve you well.
Shamanic ceremony is transforming work. It helps you to step through the stages of life with power and presence, and brings you into connection with yourself and the universe. It can be very empowering to create your own ceremony. Our hope is that more people will carry knowledge about shamanic ritual and ceremony, to help both themselves and others who ask for help. We sometimes offer courses on this theme, such as "Spirit Dance" and "Sacred Ceremony".
We still do this work when time allows. If you have a request or wish, please contact us. If we are not able to help, we can often recommend other shamanic colleagues, or contact one of the people on the list below.
When holding Ceremonial or Circle work online, it is useful to have a sense of ethics and clear guidelines, and so we offer our guide to sharing shamanic work online to help and inspire you
These people have trained extensively with us and work in a similar way. They often hold shamanic events and we recommend all these facilitators. In our monthly newsletter we regularly share information about upcoming shamanic events in our network.
UK - Kathy Fried
UK & online - Shenoah Taylor
Ireland - Liam Glenane (email only)
Denmark - Maria Lisette Jacobsen
Denmark - Nicolaj Møller
Denmark - Rasmus Ludvigsen
Norway - Amalia Fonfara
Finland - Christiana Aro-Harle