Here we are on the threshold of the Winter Solstice, coming closer to the end of the year that has been. Before moving on, it can be good to stand still for a while, and remember.
Remember what this year has brought you. What you have learned and received. Decisions you made and choices that became clear. Teachings from the Spirits or Nature that have changed your life. What do you want to put down now and what you want to take with you?
Stay for a while and listen. Listen to the old as it gets ready to end. Sing a Song of thanks or write a poem to this cycle that is completing. Listen to yourself and the Earth under your feet, and notice how it is to stand right here
Now is the time to be still. Standing in the place of endings and beginnings, feeling in your heart what you are thankful for, and letting it support and inspire you
Here we are, stepping closer to the Solstice and the Power it brings. Thank you for being with us in Circle this year. We look forward to carrying on together, learning supporting inspiring connecting. Thank you for opening to the Wisdom of the Earth.
THANKSGIVING - If you would like to give thanks to the year that has been, there are many ways to do it. One simple Ceremony was given to Zara from her Spirits, with the intention to Dance the Year. To try it, pick up your Drum or Rattle and begin at the beginning of 2022 or last Winter Solstice, as is right for you. Ask for help to dance the year that has been and begin to sing, dance, rattle, drum, moving slowly sunwise in a Circle. As you dance, you may want to stop in certain places and stay a bit longer. You may remember things that happened or that you experienced in the year, maybe things you have forgotten. Receive them and spend time with them, notice how it is as you move through it. When you come full circle, you will be at the end of the year. Stay here for a moment and receive the fullness. Continue to say thank you in a way that feels right to you: by singing, speaking out loud, writing a poem, or simply saying thank you.
There are many other Thanksgiving Ceremonies, and you can ask the Spirits or Nature directly, by journeying or taking a guided walk. To explore this further, try these missions:
Walk or journey to give thanks for the year that has been (the journey or walk will be the thanksgiving ceremony)
Ask for a Thanksgiving ceremony for 2022 and how I can do it?
Walk in Nature or journey to the Spirits and ask how can I live my thanks to you?
VISION - the Winter Solstice is also traditionally a time for other shamanic practices and ceremonies beyond giving thanks. A common Nordic tradition is to ask for vision, inspiration and advice for the coming year. In our WINTER SOLSTICE BLOGS we have collected many suggestions to help inspire you at this time. The new article in our library “Wisdom in the Wilderness” also tells a teaching tale about such a sitting-out on a Winter Solstice night.
We wish you a magical Midwinter Season
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