

Here in the Harvest times, so much is given and on offer. Life is abundant and it is a wonderful time to glory in the gifts of nature.

But how do we see what we are offered? How easy is it to acknowledge it with an open heart? How much do we allow ourselves to receive what is given? Can we rejoice in the act of receiving, as a natural part of life? Can we allow ourselves to open more full to what is on offer now?

When we open and allow ourselves to receive, it can be easier…

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AUGUST 2023 -

As we go through Life, it can be hard to keep up. So much is happening and it is not easy to take it all in and stay present. 

At this time of year - the beginning of the Harvest season - fruits ripen and offer themselves. This can also be true in life, and it is good to gather what has been given. This way we can more fully receive the goodness of what is already with us, and make sure it will sustain us for the future. 

Now is the time to remember. We can linger a while and op…

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JUNE 2023 -

Looking around us, it is sometimes obvious that we are in a place of Beauty. It is easy to see. At other times, we may have to look harder and use different ways of relating. We may have a lot of assumptions about what Beauty is, and the Spirits can teach us more about what it means to them. 

What happens to Beauty, when we begin to open to it in another way? When it is not about how something looks on the surface, but how it carries its essence, or how it harmonises with what is a…

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MAY 2023 -

The stream is flowing, calling with every note 

as the fresh water tumbles over the rocks

Listen, even the thrush is inviting you

Rejoicing in the sun

The green stretches, opening wide

A simple day, so rich and full

Life is here. Let us join the dance


During Spring, Life energy is everywhere. It is a good time to enjoy being alive. However busy we may be, Spring is an opportunity to appreciate beauty, and spend time with miracles unfolding in Nature…

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APRIL 2023 -

Home can be not only a place but also a state of being

Every day we come home. Come home to how we live, to how we breathe, to who we are. Wherever we are, whoever we are, we can connect to this place within us, and through this, connect to the world.

Sometimes it can feel difficult to find or locate this place. Where is the center, this calm still place that knows it is home? How do I find it?

When all around us is wild and moving, where do we go? What is the core that we must neve…

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MARCH 2023 -

Each new day opens us to many possibilities. How will we respond? Sometimes it is easy to see where we are going and what the right choice is. Sometimes the road seems muddy and hard going, and we become bogged down, confused, uncertain. Trusting can be hard when we feel vulnerable, hurt or alone, without solid ground under our feet. 

Yet here we are, alive and present, still able to take a breath. We come back to ourselves and remember what we long for.

Life does not come with g…

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Slowly I stir into Being

Remembering what it means

to come to Life again

Slowly I stretch 

feeling the joy of opening

Breathing freely once more

I shake loose

and see that you too

are here, we are so many

Awakening, again

to Life and its possibilities


Although Springtime is still some way away here in Scandinavia, seeds are waking under ground and starting to get ready. Now stirs a new beginning, coming into being, even if we cannot see it…

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JANUARY 2023 -

Every ending is a beginning. We walk out of this space and step into another. Look around. What do you see? That tree you are looking at - what does it see when it looks back at you, on the threshold with the closed door behind you?

The World has just been re-created. Your next step and your next breath are your last in this life, becoming your first step and breath as they take you into a new existence – over and over and over

The message of individuality, which many of us rec…

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Here we are on the threshold of the Winter Solstice, coming closer to the end of the year that has been. Before moving on, it can be good to stand still for a while, and remember.

Remember what this year has brought you. What you have learned and received. Decisions you made and choices that became clear. Teachings from the Spirits or Nature that have changed your life. What do you want to put down now and what you want to take with you?

Stay for a while and listen. Listen to …

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Sometimes we need extra support to help us walk through Life. To help us keep going, help us find our way, to help us to heal and grow.

Where do we find this support, and how do we recognize and receive it when it comes?

A way to begin is to open to the Healing that is right here, right now, even though we may not be aware of it. Learning to come into contact with it can be both surprising and life changing.

Healing Spaces are waiting to hold us and gently guide us. Maybe …

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