Earth Relations
JUNE 2023 -
Looking around us, it is sometimes obvious that we are in a place of Beauty. It is easy to see. At other times, we may have to look harder and use different ways of relating. We may have a lot of assumptions about what Beauty is, and the Spirits can teach us more about what it means to them.
What happens to Beauty, when we begin to open to it in another way? When it is not about how something looks on the surface, but how it carries its essence, or how it harmonises with what is a…
MAY 2023 -
The stream is flowing, calling with every note
as the fresh water tumbles over the rocks
Listen, even the thrush is inviting you
Rejoicing in the sun
The green stretches, opening wide
A simple day, so rich and full
Life is here. Let us join the dance
During Spring, Life energy is everywhere. It is a good time to enjoy being alive. However busy we may be, Spring is an opportunity to appreciate beauty, and spend time with miracles unfolding in Nature…
Slowly I stir into Being
Remembering what it means
to come to Life again
Slowly I stretch
feeling the joy of opening
Breathing freely once more
I shake loose
and see that you too
are here, we are so many
Awakening, again
to Life and its possibilities
Although Springtime is still some way away here in Scandinavia, seeds are waking under ground and starting to get ready. Now stirs a new beginning, coming into being, even if we cannot see it…
Here we are on the threshold of the Winter Solstice, coming closer to the end of the year that has been. Before moving on, it can be good to stand still for a while, and remember.
Remember what this year has brought you. What you have learned and received. Decisions you made and choices that became clear. Teachings from the Spirits or Nature that have changed your life. What do you want to put down now and what you want to take with you?
Stay for a while and listen. Listen to …
Sometimes we need extra support to help us walk through Life. To help us keep going, help us find our way, to help us to heal and grow.
Where do we find this support, and how do we recognize and receive it when it comes?
A way to begin is to open to the Healing that is right here, right now, even though we may not be aware of it. Learning to come into contact with it can be both surprising and life changing.
Healing Spaces are waiting to hold us and gently guide us. Maybe …
OCTOBER 2022 -
As leaves let go and branches remain, a different view emerges. In its nakedness, Autumn brings an opportunity to see more clearly where we are. Here we can stand in an essential way, with our life as it is now.
The ideas and plans and hopes we might have for this day, or for tomorrow, can rest a while. In this time, nothing new needs to grow. Instead we can let that which is finished to fall away. And stand, like Trees, not reaching for anything, but letting leaves go and danci…
JULY 2022
Things happen when we sit in Circle
It is a central part of our work with the Spirits
Bringing the Circle together and feeling the connection
As the Power flows through
The Circle is a birthplace, a beginning and an ending
Holding space for things to happen
There is a place for each of us here,
An invitation to step in and take part
Even in times when we may not feel the connection
it is still here, holding us and reminding us
that so much more can happen when we come together
Surrounded …
In literature and philosophy, rivers have long been used as a poetic analogy for Life, and with good reason. Rivers are born as a spring, where the water bubbles up from the depths of the Earth, just as we are born from our mothers. As they flow down the mountainside, they gain in power – just as we become more and more physically powerful as we grow. The river becomes stronger and carries a heavier load as it moves along, but in times of drought it can shrivel to a trickle, and …
MARCH 2022
Sometimes it feels as if change happens so fast, we cannot keep up. One morning we wake and everyday reality is shifting into something almost unrecognizable. Many of us might have felt this as the experience of war seeps through Europe, reaching far and wide. It is all connected and wherever we are, it affects us.
Now more than ever, it is important to keep hold of our practice and ask the Spirits to help keep us steady. To remember what is at our core and keep connecting to Power.…
“You are not alone”. Many times have we said these words on courses and in circles. The Spirits are with us all the time, if we remember to reach out and open. But how do we remember? It is up to us to connect, but it is not always easy when time is tight or we feel weak, tired or stressed. Often it is hardest to ask for help when we most need it.
A good place to begin is where you are right now – right where you live. You can choose to relate to your home, your local area or wor…
- Danish (7)
- Summer Solstice (4)
- Winter Solstice (10)
- Harvest Times (8)
- Animism (6)
- Ceremony (19)
- Circle (15)
- Change (32)
- Community (16)
- Connection (39)
- Earth Relations (38)
- Feeling Home (28)
- Healing (17)
- Power (31)
- Life Blessings (26)
- Service (5)
- Shamanic Practice (18)
- Spirit Poems (8)
- Winter (15)
- Spring (11)
- Summer (5)
- Autumn (11)