Earth Relations
“You are not alone”. Many times have we said these words on courses and in circles. The Spirits are with us all the time, if we remember to reach out and open. But how do we remember? It is up to us to connect, but it is not always easy when time is tight or we feel weak, tired or stressed. Often it is hardest to ask for help when we most need it.
A good place to begin is where you are right now – right where you live. You can choose to relate to your home, your local area or wor…
This year, the Full Moon and Winter Solstice come very close to each other. In the darkest night, there is also light. How do we allow Dark and Light to dance together in us, and in our lives? So often Light is used to mean “good” and dark to mean “bad” but in Nature this is not true at all. Light is simply light, and dark is dark. They both have great and important qualities, and both are needed to keep the balance of Life. There are many nocturnal animals that depend on d…
We are in a time of transition. Here in the North we are now in the Dark Season, a place of magical stillness and peace, going slow and turning within. There is much Power here, a reflecting Power, like the Moon shining on a still pond. It can help us to look deeper and see more clearly. As we slow down and become quiet, we begin to find ourselves again.
Before going on, we make room for reflection. A pause, a breath, a stillness before beginning. In this seemingly empty spac…THE GIFTS OF PLANTS
Where we live, in southern Sweden and Denmark, this time of year is bursting with the bounty of nature. All around, Life is wild and vital, bringing the verdant Green back into being. Trees are unfolding their leaves, opening to the Sun. Flowers and plants stretch up, with the joy of growing into fullness and receiving blessings from Rain.
There is an old Swedish saying: if you can keep going until the Nettles come, you will survive. In older days, when a long hard Winter m…
AUTUMN 2011 -
Sometimes life takes us by surprise. Recently I came to hear about The Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers ( and right after got the chance to go to Göteborg to listen and learn from two of them - Sámi healer Laila Spik and Hopi elder Mona Polacca. This turned out to be a wonderful, heart-opening, and encouraging experience. They talked about their cultural traditions, about environmental changes, global warming, and the Hopi Prophecy. They talked about no…
SPRING 2013 -
It was a long winter, but now it seems we can finally say “Spring is here!” How wonderful to walk on the bare Earth, feeling that raw, re-awakening power come up through the snow-flattened grass. I always become more Earth-conscious in the Springtime, the joy of the early days of smells and textures in the air, the new shoots penetrating through last year’s leaves, the brush of green on the willow, hazel and beech.
This joy is sometimes dampened by the constant reminders that som…
MAY 2014 -
Walking down by the pond it is so still except for the song of a warbler. Sitting by the water, I thought over the past weeks. It has been busy with four courses in four countries working with some of the faces of power – balance, gratitude, responsibility, joy, and the spirits of nature.
Many people think of power as the power over us, but as we know it is also a surging energy that gives life-force. Power has so many faces and different ways of interacting with our lives: the powe…
AUTUMN 2014 -
Today, someone asked me how I feel about Åsbacka, the place where I live. I could feel the answer in my heart before the word came. And when the word came, I said “Home.” As soon as I said it, I knew that I had found a new understanding of “home”.
For me Åsbacka is not only a place to live. Åsbacka is a being – a being with whom I have a relationship. Åsbacka has needs and I have needs. We take care of each other and nourish each other in many ways. We share this space and we liv…
Years ago on a workshop in Finland, a friend asked me, “What do you do when you get tired?” “I drink a cup of coffee,” I answered. He smiled. “That’s one possibility,” he said. So I asked him, “What do you do?” He smiled again. “I take a nap.” For me it was a very deep teaching that I often reflect on, especially at this time of year.
In these days before the Winter Solstice, we are at the edge of darkness. And what do we do when it’s dark? We turn on the lights. Well, that’s …
The first birch leaves are yellowing, and soon the cranes will be flying south as Summer seamlessly moves into Autumn. When does the one end and the other begin? It’s different every year, but one day I become aware that the light is changing and I find myself looking back on the warm mornings of July and forward to the cool evenings of October. What did I plant in the Springtime and what am I harvesting now?
At the end of the soul-retrieval course in August I realized t…
- Danish (7)
- Summer Solstice (4)
- Winter Solstice (10)
- Harvest Times (8)
- Animism (6)
- Ceremony (19)
- Circle (16)
- Change (32)
- Community (17)
- Connection (40)
- Earth Relations (39)
- Feeling Home (28)
- Healing (17)
- Power (31)
- Life Blessings (26)
- Service (5)
- Shamanic Practice (19)
- Spirit Poems (8)
- Winter (15)
- Spring (12)
- Summer (5)
- Autumn (11)