SPRING 2013 -
It was a long winter, but now it seems we can finally say “Spring is here!” How wonderful to walk on the bare Earth, feeling that raw, re-awakening power come up through the snow-flattened grass. I always become more Earth-conscious in the Springtime, the joy of the early days of smells and textures in the air, the new shoots penetrating through last year’s leaves, the brush of green on the willow, hazel and beech.
This joy is sometimes dampened by the constant reminders that some people look at the Earth only as a thing to be exploited for capital gain. Recently, someone wrote to me asking: “How do we teach the value of water to those who are not awake?” She had just read that the chairman of the Nestlé corporation claimed that access to drinking water is not a human right.
In the face of such tragedy and greed, what can we do? It can be easy to lose heart and feel hopelessness creeping in. And yet there is so much we can do. As many of us may have experienced, small things can make a great difference. One small step can create a change that will lead to something huge.
We are many and we can make a difference! Rumi wrote: “do not go back to sleep.” Don’t be weighed down by what seems to be obstacles. There are many people all over the world who are choosing to do something they believe in, and each small step inspires another. Wherever we are, we can help to remind each other of the essential value of the earth, the air, the water and the sun.
One of the people doing this is my friend Nellie Dee Kyne. She recently left her job to walk around the world for two years to raise awareness for the Earth - She hopes to inspire others and asks you to join in, in whatever way is easy and joyful. She herself is inspired by the dedication of Polly Higgins, a UK lawyer who campaigns to end ecocide - the wilful destruction of ecological systems Their aim is to make ecocide a World Court recognized “crime against humanity” She speaks with passion about making this happen and asks for your support – however small, it always helps.
There are many of these growing movements taking place around the world. And if you cannot do something big, do something small. Remember the wise words of Ghandi – be the change you want to see and make your life your message.
We know the Spirits are with us. We know that change can come in many forms. Through our actions, we can choose to be ambassadors of the Spirits and make sure that there is always a place in the world for their power and their presence.
Springtime is the season of hope and growing energy – so let the power of the season help you to feel the joy of life. Ask your Spirits: "what can I do today to help support the Earth and give thanks for being alive"? They will show you and help you to do it. If we don’t go back to sleep and keep our intent strong, we can all help to create change
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