APRIL 2022
Life makes itself known, in its vibrant and insistent regeneration. Springtime in Scandinavia is a rich time - tight tiny buds on trees unfurling, early flowers reaching for the Sun and green growth overtaking dry remnants of Winter.
Whatever tragedies play out on the human stage, Nature insists on Life. Here it is again, right in front of us. We can open to the Power of new Life, of Regeneration, of Budding and Blossoming. Even in sadness, grief and anger, Beauty is here. Even in our lack of certainty, we can allow Life to reach us.
Life does not deny Death. Life acknowledges the full cycle and the natural gifts of each phase. As we open to Spring, we open to Life. We open to new possibilities and hope. We open to Beauty that brings joy and replenishment.
As we look at the world through the eyes of the Spirits, we come to understand more of what they see, from a bigger perspective. Beauty in a shamanic sense is not about how something looks. Shamanic practice is about seeing beyond the physical, beyond the visual surface, into the essence.
Beauty in a shamanic sense is about opening to Magic and allowing yourself to be touched by Lifeforce. Whatever situation you may be going through, take a moment to open to the Beauty that is here. Notice Life as it reveals itself to you. Give it space to be seen and receive the Power it shares so freely.
There are many natural gifts of Life.
We too are full of natural gifts. What are yours?
Please remember to share them
Life is often made up of small rich moments. Shamanic practice is very much about everyday magic, not only high drama or spectacular adventure. If you would like to open more fully to Power as you go through Life, now is a great time to walk in Nature and receive its guidance. Take time to enjoy the small moments that show themselves, the gifts that are sometimes easy to overlook or dismiss. The more you can open to Life, the more Life will open to you.
To work further, explore some of these missions:
- What do I need in order to share more of my natural gifts?
- Please teach me to open to the abundance of Life
- Ask for help to see Beauty through the eyes of the Spirits
We wish you Healing Times
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