Here we are, still in a relatively new year, with much that is unformed and unknown ahead of us. Even though we do not always know where we are going, when we stand firmly planted on the Earth, connected to the Spirits, we know we have the support to be with what comes.
Now we want to warmly welcome you to our newly renovated website. It still lives at but has been updated, expanded and reorganized. The last time we made a major rebuild was 10 years ago and we are so happy to refresh it.
We have seen a lot of change in the last few years, as have many of you. Though shamanic practice is an ancient path, our lives have shifted and so have the forms of our teaching. Our hope is that this new website creates more clarity about our way of working with the Spirits, and will support your ongoing practice, inspire you to learn more and help you to feel connected. However our teaching evolves, this website holds the heart of our work, and continues to share our experience and vision. We hope you will feel at home here and enjoy getting to know it.
As we go into these brand new times, it is good to remember where we come from. It is good to take stock and pack our bags with the nourishment that keeps us going on the path. We wish you a great year with your Spirits, being who you are and sharing your gifts with the world.
At the start of a new year, people sometimes like to make resolutions, wishing for ways to live better. What is it that we long for when we do this? What do the wishes really mean? Working with it from a shamanic perspective, we can ask the Spirits not for what we think or hope will improve our lives, but for what they see as helpful and appropriate for us now.
By making a drum journey, or taking a walk with intention, we open space for the Spirits to guide us. We listen to their suggestions and receive their advice. In this way, new ideas and inspirations can take us down roads we may never have imagined. The Spirits teach us much about how to live, and help us to make sure that our days are not only filled with to-do lists, goals and achievements but with a sense of being more fully alive.
It may not be easy to find a balance between all the things we are part of, all the things we want to do, all the responsibilities we face. But with the Spirits’ help, we can find ways to feel open, empowered and connected while doing them. If you want to make some changes, or struggle with finding balance, you might like to listen to Jonathan and Zara’s talk about Shamanism, Balance and Change – maybe you will find something here that takes you in a new direction?
To work further with these issues, we offer these missions:
- How can I best use my time and energy this year?
- Ask for help to feel more present in Life
- Medicine Walk to ask how can I walk in balance, in the time to come?
We wish you a good journey through 2022
Annette, Zara, Jonathan
- Danish (7)
- Summer Solstice (4)
- Winter Solstice (10)
- Harvest Times (8)
- Animism (6)
- Ceremony (19)
- Circle (15)
- Change (31)
- Community (16)
- Connection (38)
- Earth Relations (37)
- Feeling Home (28)
- Healing (17)
- Power (30)
- Life Blessings (26)
- Service (5)
- Shamanic Practice (18)
- Spirit Poems (7)
- Winter (14)
- Spring (11)
- Summer (5)
- Autumn (11)