Seeking Spirit guidance and power to bring the future into being

Residential retreat, Åsbacka, Sweden: Wed 11 - Sun 15 September 2024

* This course is for people with previous shamanic training similar to SCSS *

Autumn Path

please click on the button above if you want to be on the waiting list


Many people dream of a more vivid and meaningful life. It may be a personal wish of living a way that is more nourishing to your soul. It may be a longing to contribute to community and form organisations or events that invite and benefit others. Or it may be a vision for a better life on Earth, a way to bring your love for Nature into being with focus and inspiration. 

Whether a vision feels small or huge, is short term or long term - the Spirits can help. When we come to them with a genuine wish and a clean heart, ready to do our part, they can guide us and bring us power. It may not turn out the way we expect, or be an easy road, but together with the Spirits we can find out how to make it possible and how to carry both the joy and responsibility of it.

A vision that begins in our hearts can bloom into being with Spirit guidance. When we open not only to what we want, but to what is needed from a bigger perspective, it can bring new inspiration. On the retreat you will learn to work with the Spirits to see your vision through their eyes, hear what they want you to focus on, and find ways to build its energy. You will also experience the difference between working with an intention and a goal, and how to meet the unexpected with connection and commitment.  In this work, you do not lead, but discover together with your Teachers, and allow them to show you the way.

As we explore our visions, we may also discover fears that block us. We unearth patterns or emotions that hold us back or cause us to lose hope. When we bring such obstacles to the Spirits, they help us to meet them as gifts, and deepen our understanding of what we have chosen. The times when we may feel overwhelmed, drained, or uncertain, can become empowering thresholds, when we have the support of a community and the guidance of the Spirits.

A vision is not only a project to achieve. It is also a path to walk. Whatever the eventual outcome, choosing to engage with a vision and letting it be part of your life, can bring powerful teachings and insight. It can help you to step into change and be a guiding light for both doing and being. This way, the path itself - what we discover along the way and the challenges we meet – is part of bringing it to life. 

This is both a retreat and a course. In the mornings we will talk to the Spirits, exploring the way of visioning step by step. In the afternoons, you have free time to deepen journey teachings and begin to put them into action. In the evenings, we will sit in Circle with reflection and ceremony.

For extra support, we will also meet online later in the year, holding space to reflect on where you are with the path of your project and what more you may need.


To apply to this retreat, you need to tell us about a vision project you hope to work with. It doesn't need to be in its final form, but you need to have a seed. Here are some suggestions for unearthing it, we hope you enjoy the exploration: 

  • Ask yourself the question: how would I like my life/life to look like in 5/10 years?
    Light a candle, rattle asking for help, then sit down and write freeflow. Read back what you have written and make any further notes that come to you.

  • Now ask yourself:
    - if there were no limits, what is needed to make this possible?
    - what would help me to prepare myself for this project?
    - what is most exciting to me in this project? What is most scary?

  • Put it away for a day or two, let it simmer. Maybe think about it as you go about your day, let more thoughts and feelings arise.

  • Sit down and re-read your vision project again. What do you see in it now? Do you want to change or add anything? Again it can be good to rattle first and ask the Spirits for help to feel connected to a Vision that you really care about.

A PROJECT can be in any of these stages - 

  • the seed of an idea that you want to dare to dream 
  • starting to sprout but needing more nourishment and tending
  • already growing but seeking stability, direction and clarity
  • about to flower but longing for deeper rooting in Earth & Spirit partnership

Don´t worry if you meet some of these feelings, it is part of the process:

  • I don't know where to begin
  • I don't know how to manifest ideas into concrete steps
  • don't know if I have the time or energy to do it
  • It feels daunting or overwhelming
  • I worry about "who am I to do this..."
  • I have no idea about finding good collaborators or resources

IMPORTANT: Please take time to find your project and write your vision before applying. Once you have written it out, you might want to walk in nature, or sit with the Spirits, and listen: what is it you wish for? What is it you want to build? What do you long to commit to?

Before the course, you will be asked to do a Medicine Walk in preparation and share it with Zara & Jonathan by 1 September. More information will be sent in early Summer. 

Special Opportunity: the course also offers a possibility to do a traditional ceremonial Sitting-Out at night (Utiseta) for those who wish.

This residential retreat is taught in English, by Jonathan Horwitz & Zara Waldebäck 

We will work in a small group of max 14 participants. 

Participants must have completed introductory training
"The Shaman's Journey"
or agreed equivalent. You must have experience of shamanic journeying in a tradition similar to ours and have good contact with at least two Spirit Helpers. Working together in this way ensures we share a common ground and language for the connection to the Spirits. 

** If you are not familiar with our way of teaching, find out more here:
• Journey practice
• Working with Intention

• Introduction to Shamanism


The total price for the course is 10 000 SEK / 9 000 SEK, which includes:
• Teaching Fee: 5000 SEK (standard price) or 4000 SEK (discount price) 
• Food & Accommodation: 5000 SEK

The teaching fee is paid in full before 10 Aug, either as one payment or in  instalments. The price includes 25% moms/vat/sales tax and you will receive a receipt upon booking. The standard price for teaching is 5000 SEK. If you are on a low income, you can choose a discount price of 4000 SEK. 

Food & accommodation is paid via a separate booking form, in full by 1 Sept, either as one payment or instalments. More information will be sent in April-May. All participants must pay the food and accommodation and live onsite.

If you prefer to tent, you will receive a discount of 500 SEK (in total, not per night). Make sure to click this option on the accommodation booking form. 


  • If the course is cancelled at short notice, your payment is refunded in full.
  • If the course is cancelled at short notice, we do not cover any travel expenses. All travel costs are your own responsibility and choice.
  • If you cancel your place before 1 July, your payment will be fully refunded.
  • If you cancel your place between 1 July-1 Aug, you will be refunded 100% of the teaching fee ONLY IF we find someone to take your place. If no one takes your place, your payment is not refunded.
  • If you cancel your place after 1 Aug, you will be refunded 50% of the teaching fee ONLY IF we find someone to take your place. If no one takes your place, your payment is not refunded.
  • If you become ill in the days before the course, contact Zara immediately and stay at home. Please respect the health of others and do not come if you have any symptoms of cold, flu or covid.


The course is fully residential. It includes 3 meals each full day, of delicious fresh vegetarian/vegan food. Gluten-free options available. The venue offers simple accommodation, mainly in shared rooms. Tenting is possible at a small discount. 

Please note, that we cannot welcome animals or family members. This is an intensive course that needs your full attention. We ask you not to consume any alcohol or drugs while on the course, beyond prescribed medicine. 

We begin with early dinner on Wed at 17.00 and end with late lunch on Sun at 15.00.

Participants must arrive between 14.30 - 16.00 and stay til the end of the course.

** IMPORTANT: Please do not arrive late or leave early

Make sure to check with Zara before organising any travel tickets.

Circle time: On this retreat we will meet in Circle for morning or evening sessions. Most afternoons will be spent on personal guided experiential research in nature or 1-2-1 sessions with Jonathan or Zara. There may also be pair work or small group work. 

Sessions have short toilet breaks but no coffee/tea breaks - this allows us to go deeper into the work without interruptions. Lunch and dinner breaks are longer.

PLEASE NOTE: Sessions are not optional - all participants are expected to take part in all sessions unless there is an emergency. Working in Circle and participating fully in all aspects of the course is an essential part of the learning experience. On this course we hold silence in the mornings. 

Åsbacka is a small intimate venue in a peaceful forest setting. The simple accommodation is mainly shared. There are 2 semi-single rooms, with a curtain separating it from a room with 2 people in (no sound proofing). Most rooms are 2-3 people sharing. There are 2 shower bathrooms and 3 toilets.

There is a long hiking trail right outside the center, and a short drive away is a wild lake for walks and swimming. The nearest shops are about a 20 min drive away. 

More information:

Nearest airport: Copenhagen, Denmark (2-3 hrs away by train&bus). It is possible to fly to Gothenburg but it is further away. Stockholm is not close by. 

Nearest train stations: Ängelholm or Hässleholm. After this, take bus 511 to Lärkeröd where you can be picked up, if arranged ahead of time. More detailed travel information will be sent after booking.

Sometimes it is possible to lift-share with other participants - please ask if interested.

If you are coming by car and can offer lifts to others, this is very much appreciated.

Travel information for bus and trains: 



Wed 11 - Sun 15 Sept 2024


Course begins 17.00 and ends 15.00


10 000 / 9000 SEK all inclusive
