Helping clients come to a deeper understanding of communicating with the Spirits
Residential course, Åsbacka, Sweden: Wed 9 - Tues 15 April 2025
* This advanced course is for people with a solid and regular journey practice *
The purpose of shamanic counselling is to help clients deepen their relation to the Spirits. This course will teach the framework of shamanic counselling as part of a client practice. It will also increase participants´ understanding of their own personal journeys and Spirit relations.
This is an intensive and advanced course designed for those interested in working with clients. It is not intended for people mainly working for themselves.
The shamanic counsellor is a witness, and their main role is to nurture the relationship between client and Spirits. The shamanic counsellor sits with the client as they journey for advice, help, healing and power. Sometimes the counsellor will teach a client how to journey, to help them establish connection to their own Spirit teachers. The primary relationship is between client and Spirits, and the Spirits are the real counsellors. The human counsellor is there mainly to listen, ask questions and hold space. They do not interpret the journey or tell the client what it means. Instead, they help to unlock deeper teachings and open the power of the experience.
A session begins with the counsellor listening to the client and together formulating a clear heartfelt mission to take to the Spirits. Then they rattle to call in, and the client lies down to journey. This is done by listening to a recording of drumming on headphones and speaking the experience out loud. There is no live drumming. The counsellor writes down everything the client says. After the journey, they listen to it together. When this is finished, they unpack the experience - what it means to the client, how they feel changed, what it opens up. The session is closed by giving thanks to the Spirits. The client takes the recording of the journey home, so they can listen to it again and continue to work with it. This is a powerful, detailed and in-depth way of receiving Spirit advice and help.
It might feel strange to include technology in a sacred session. But it can be extremely helpful when used in an appropriate way. Learning to speak journeys out loud can feel unfamiliar, but people generally get used to it quite quickly. It has echoes of old traditions, from Siberia and North America, where a shaman would speak their Spirit experience out loud to the community as they happened.
A shamanic counsellor uses their experience to hold sacred space for the work. One of their key skills is to listen deeply to a client whilst at the same time being in connection with their own Spirit helpers. Another key aspect is to help clients create clear intentions, as a focused mission opens the door to a powerful journey and makes it more easy to embrace and integrate.
Most of the coursework is done in pairs, where participants practice being a counsellor as well as experience how it is to be a client. Understanding what happens for a client by being one is an essential part of the training. In the role of client, each participant must bring real and genuine life issues they want to work on, and will be asked to write a personal letter before coming to explore these. Being a good client for practice counsellors helps the work be powerful for both of you. In this way, the course also gives participants the opportunity to receive a lot of help, healing and guidance for themselves, and feel their relationship with the Spirits deepen.
Reflection, sharing and feedback is an essential part of the course and all participants are expected to engage fully with this. You will also learn about the difference between help journeys and advice journeys - when to use which, and different ways to counsel them. You will find out how to help clients strengthen their journeying skills to the different worlds and feel more confident in their journey practice.
This course focuses on working in pairs, within a specific type of 1-2-1 framework. It also includes learning to use technology. All participants must take part in the pairwork, both as clients and as counsellors. It is an intensive and demanding course that requires you to manage a lot of information and follow instructions. During the course we will mainly work indoors with shamanic journeys, on this course there is very little nature or ceremonial circle work.
Before coming, participants will be asked to write a personal letter and undertake preparation as given by Jonathan & Zara. This includes both Spirit work and gathering the technology you need to bring. This is an essential and necessary part.
It is helpful if you have experience of 1-2-1 human client work in any modality, but it is not necessary. This is a course for people who want to learn how to work with shamanic clients and have a commitment to put it into practice. It is not for people who want to focus mainly on their own personal path.
Summer Sitting-Out over night (Utiseta) is NOT possible on this course.
Taught in English, by Jonathan Horwitz & Zara Waldebäck
We will work in a small group of max 12 participants.
If you are interested in the course, please begin by signing up to the interested list via the button above. Then fill in the application form. Make sure to take your time and write your answers as fully and honestly as possible. This is very important. Do not rush through it. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive a response soon after 15 January. To have a better chance of getting a place, please send in your form before 12 January. Please be aware that filling in the form does not mean you will automatically be offered a place.
Participants must have completed introductory training "The Shaman's Journey" or agreed equivalent, and have good contact with at least two Spirit Helpers. Ideally you should have journeyed with the Spirits in the way we teach for at least 2 years or more, and have clear journeys with good understanding of Spirit communication. This is an advanced course and best taken when you have a solid journey practice.
** If you are not familiar with our way of teaching, find out more here:
• Journey practice
• Working with Intention
• Introduction to Shamanism
The total price for the course is 14 500 SEK / 13 500 SEK, which includes:
• Teaching Fee: 7000 SEK (standard price) or 6000 SEK (discount price)
• Food & Accommodation: 7500 SEK
The teaching fee needs to be paid in full before 20 Feb, either as one payment or in instalments. The price includes 25% moms/vat/sales tax and you will receive a receipt upon booking. The standard price for teaching is 7000 SEK. If you are on a low income, you are welcome to choose the discount price of 6000 SEK.
Food & accommodation is paid via a separate booking form, either as one payment or instalments. It includes 12% moms/vat/sales tax and must be paid in full by 30 March. All participants must pay the food and accommodation and live onsite.
discount of 500 SEK (in total, not per night). Make sure to click this option on the booking form.
- If the course is cancelled at short notice, your payment is refunded in full.
- If the course is cancelled at short notice, we do not cover any travel expenses. All travel costs are your own responsibility and choice.
- If you cancel your place before 1 March, your payment will be fully refunded.
- If you cancel your place between 1-15 March, you will be refunded 100% of the teaching fee ONLY IF we find someone to take your place. If no one takes your place, your payment is not refunded.
- If you cancel your place after 15 March, you will be refunded 50% of the teaching fee ONLY IF we find someone to take your place. If no one takes your place, your payment is not refunded.
- If you become ill in the days before the course, contact Zara and stay at home. Please respect the health of others and do not come if you have any symptoms.
The course is fully residential. It includes 3 meals a day, of delicious fresh vegetarian/vegan food. Gluten-free options available. The venue offers simple accommodation, mainly in shared rooms. Tenting is possible at a small discount.
Please note, that we cannot welcome animals or family members. This is an intensive course that needs your full attention. We ask you not to consume any alcohol or drugs while on the course, beyond prescribed medicine.
We begin with early dinner on Wed at 17.00 and end with late lunch on Tue at 15.00.
Participants must arrive between 14.30 - 16.00 and stay til the end of the course.
** IMPORTANT: Please do not arrive late or leave early
Make sure to check with Zara before organising any travel tickets.
On full days we work in Circle for 3 sessions, usually:
• 9.30am - 1pm
• 3pm - 6pm
• 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Sessions have short toilet breaks but no coffee/tea breaks - this allows us to go deeper into the work without interruptions. Lunch and dinner breaks are longer.
PLEASE NOTE: Sessions are compulsory - all participants are expected to take part in all sessions unless there is an emergency. Working in Circle and participating fully in all aspects of the course is an essential part of the learning experience. On this course we hold silence in the mornings.
Åsbacka is a small intimate venue in a peaceful forest setting. The simple accommodation is mainly shared. There are 2 semi-single rooms, with a curtain separating it from a room with 2 people in (no sound proofing). Most rooms are 2-3 people sharing. There are 2 shower bathrooms and 3 toilets.
There is a long hiking trail right outside the venue, and a short drive away is a wild lake for walks and swimming. The nearest shops are about a 20 min drive away.
More information:
Nearest airport: Copenhagen, Denmark (2-3 hrs away by train&bus). It is possible to fly to Gothenburg but it is further away. Stockholm is not close by.
Nearest train stations: Ängelholm or Hässleholm. After this, take bus 511 to Lärkeröd where you can be picked up, if arranged ahead of time. More detailed travel information will be sent after booking.
Sometimes it is possible to lift-share with other participants - please ask if interested.
If you are coming by car and can offer lifts to others, this is very much appreciated.
Travel information for bus and trains:

Wed 9 - Tues 15 April 2025

Course begins 17.00 and ends 15.00

14 500 / 13 500 SEK all inclusive