Let the Power of Ceremony become part of your everyday life
3 sessions, available for self study at your own pace
WEBINAR COURSE OPEN TO ALL: join this course in your own time. You are welcome to book even if you can’t attend all sessions. Listen to recordings and do the work at home as suits you.
Ceremony and ritual are an essential part of all shamanic traditions. Sometimes it is easy to view them mainly as large events used for special occasions, but it is also possible to bring this beautiful way of being into your daily reality.
The focus of this course is to help you open to the power of everyday ceremony, wherever you are on your path. By understanding some essential elements and steps, you can begin to build it into a regular and personal practice. Small familiar actions can be transformed into sacred acts through intention. In this way we experience Life as the Ceremony it is.
During the training we will look at different types of ceremonies and rituals and the situations where they are helpful. We will explore what is important when creating and holding them, including the role of Song and Music, composing Altars, and ways of opening into Sacred Space. We will also touch on the issue of cultural appropriation and how to work with ceremony in ways that are respectful and honouring.
The course is held as webinar-style meetings with a combination of teaching, guided meditation, individual and group ceremony. In between meetings you will be offered personal work to do at home as well as a dedicated online space for participant sharing and teacher comments. You will be given examples and exercises to help you experience different possibilities and ways to stay connected to ceremony after the course
This course is open to all, no previous experience is necessary. It is helpful both for people who want to be introduced to ceremony and for those who have been working with it for years. Wherever you are on your path, you can learn more.

Now available as self-study

The meetings are 3hrs

Choose the right price for you:
2100 SEK - 1500 SEK - 900 SEK
This course is offered as a webinar-style course with a larger group. You are invited to do personal work and exercises at home between meetings, to experience the practice and get most out of the work.
** Listen to recordings and engaging with the exercises at your own pace. The material will be available for the rest of the year on the special online space.
The course is taught in English by Jonathan Horwitz and Zara Waldebäck.
This course is open to all. You do not need any previous training. It is suitable for anyone who wishes to explore and experience the role of ceremony in their life.
To make it more accessible, this course is offered at three different price levels. Please consider what you are able to give at this time and choose the one that is right for you:
2100 SEK - 1500 SEK - 900 SEK
IMPORTANT: These prices include 25% moms/VAT/sales tax. If you live in a country where you do not have to pay this, it will show up on the order form as a lesser amount.
Please note that we do not offer refunds on online courses
Once you have booked, you will receive information on how to join the course a few days before the first session.
** Once you pay, there are no refunds.
You will need to connect to the Zoom meetings via a computer, tablet or phone. In between meetings you will be given work to do at home as well as space on a dedicated online course space for participant sharing and teacher comments.
If you have never taken part in an online course, it is quite simple and you will get help to prepare. This is a different way of meeting but very powerful in its own way.