Sacred Ceremony

skjoldrh IMPORTANT: The prices on this order form include 25% moms/VAT/sales tax.

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Before booking, please make sure to check your personal amount to pay. If it is without VAT, you may wish to consider paying a higher price.

 ** Please be aware that once you pay there are no refunds

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Sacred Ceremony

This online course explores how to open to the power of Life as a ceremony, and find ways to create held and inspiring rituals. 

Open to all. Taught in English by Zara Waldebäck and Jonathan Horwitz.

Take part in live online sessions or listen to audio-recordings in your own time

In between sessions you will receive suggestions for work to do at home, to ground and root the practice

Sundays 5-8 pm CEST

3 sessions: 3 September, 10 September, 24 September

SEK 1,680
Total due SEK 1,680

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All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.