Making space for the Spirits of Peace & Power in our lives
WEDNESDAYS, 19.30-21.30 CEST, 3 sessions: 25 May - 29 June - 27 July
* You are welcome to book even if you can’t come to all sessions *
This is a continuation of the online course “Shamanism, Peace and Power”. It is a space to gather together, to reflect and deepen into our relationships with Peace and Power.
** If you have not yet taken this course but are interested in learning, please click the button and sign up for more information. You will be contacted the next time we offer a course in Peace & Power.
If you have not trained with the SCSS but would like to join a future Peace & Power course, please tell us about your shamanic training. You will receive information when new course dates are announced.
To learn more about how we work and if it is a good fit for your practice, please read about the SCSS way and how we work with shamanic journeys
We hope to run open Peace & Power Circles in the future. If you are interested in exploring Peace & Power without previous training, please sign up below and click "circles open to all"
Power is at the centre of much of our lives but is often misunderstand and feared. We can relearn how to receive and flow with it, and recognize it in Nature.
Peace is also often misunderstood. Peace is not the absence of conflict but an attitude to bring to conflict. What does it mean to feel peace in our hearts, and how can this help to cultivate peace in the world?
The Spirits of Peace and Power dance beautifully together. Working with them in balance can bring deep healing and shift our way of being in the world.

We will meet 3 Wednesdays 2022:
25 May - 29 June - 27 July

The meetings are 2 hrs,
7.30-9.30pm CET Scandinavian

Choose the right price for you:
1000 SEK - 750 SEK - 500 SEK
This Circle is held as online interactive meetings, with Jonathan & Zara in English. We will meet live only. There will be no recordings and no work at home outside of sessions, unless you wish to do so yourself. In between meetings, there is a dedicated online course space where you can connect with other participants, ask questions and share experiences.
The Circle is there to offer support and mentoring, from the joint wisdom of all participants. You are welcome to join even if you can’t come to all meetings. However, we highly recommend that you attend as many as possible and take an active role, as this is when supervision becomes most rewarding. It will be a space to receive, to be inspired, and connect to a network of peers, in the common space of the Circle.
Once you book, you will receive more information about how to join a few days before the first meeting.
We will meet 3 times, every three weeks:
25 May – 29 June – 27 July
The meetings are held on a Wednesday, 19.30-21.30pm CEST Scandinavian time.
We will meet for 2 hrs, online via Zoom.
To make it more accessible, this circle is offered at three different price levels. Please consider what you are able to give at this time and choose the one that is right for you:
1000 SEK - 750 SEK - 500 SEK
Please note that we do not offer refunds on online courses, once you book it is binding.
This is currently only available to participants who has completed the “Shamanism, Peace and Power” course. We hope to run this again soon and also make Peace & Power Circles more widely available.
If you would like to receive information of future dates, please sign up below and you will receive news when it becomes available.
You will need to connect to the Zoom meetings via a computer or tablet. A phone is not ideal for this Circle as you want to be able to see all participants simultaneously. If you have never taken part in an online circle, it is quite simple and you will get technical guidance to help you prepare. It is a different way of meeting but very powerful in its own way.